Working with ROI’s
All ROI related actions are done with the ROI page of the Flight Management System. The ROI page has minimally three subpages:
· On page 1, single ROI’s can be activated from a pool of up to four staged ROI’s.
· On page 2, the common properties of a ROI sequence can be configured.
· On page 3, the first six ROI’s of the sequence can be defined.
· If the ROI the sequence has more than six ROI’s, these can be continued on page 4 and following. There is no limitation in the total number of ROI’s.
Common features
FPV view locked on ROI
The synthetic FPV view can be locked on the currently active ROI by the ROI
button at the top:
· What can be used as ROI’s?
o Every FlightZoomer navigation aid can be used as ROI.
o This means, that at first every ROI needs to be defined in the navigation database.
o Selecting ROI’s usually is done the same way, as waypoints are selected on the RTE page of the FMS.
Use the simulation mode to plan your ROI shots
Load the FlightZoomer cockpit in simulation mode, to try out all ROI related